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Welcome to Shyam Lal College Library

ShyamLal College library strives to create a lively and Healthy environment for students, faculty, and staff members. The knowledge resource centre is also located in the library. Its collection cater to both the students academic and recreational requirements.The library has an institutional membership with UGC' N-LIST program. E-Journals and other e-resources subscribed by the Delhi University Library System are accessed in the Library through Delhi-University-Wide-Network and other e-resources accessed remotely through UGC' N-LiST program.User-friendly fully computerized On-line Library Catalougue(OPAC) is available for access to students and faculties in the College Library.

New Arrivals

Top-Circulating Books

Textbook of physical chemistry: thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium (SI Units) Concise inorganic chemistry Organic chemistry Cost accounting: principles and practice Electricity and magnetism Principles of marketing Computer system architecture Textbook of environmental studies for undergraduates courses Mathematics for business studies Textbook of physical chemistry: states of matter and lons in solution (SI Units) Taxmann's basic corporate accounting-Vol-1:text and illustrations Taxmann's corporate accounting : Vol 1 : text &  Illustrations                                                                               Elements of cost accounting Heat thermodynamics and statistical physics From Plassey to partition and after : a history of modern India

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